Monday, August 25, 2008

Going Full Board

Realizing what a fucking asshole you are has saved my life.
I am going full steam ahead with the book
about the damage you caused my soul to go through.
You can suck it, you fool.

Realizing how much of a fucking whore you are has saved my life.
Your neighbor told me you are open all night,
sleeping with anything in sight.
May your life be full of strife.

If I had known what an awful human being you were,
I would have never given you a light for your smoke,
and blew you off the night,
when you attempted to bring me home for some poke, poke.

Nobody acts like you do.
How the fuck are you still moving about-
someone should of popped you a long time ago
straight in the mouth.

I hope you rot in misery
All those days you sit and pout
you have no idea whatsoever,
what life is really about.


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