Friday, July 13, 2012

The Grand Illusion (our Iliad).

The Grand Illusion (our Iliad).

is a long time ago
in a distant past
entangled in your
beautiful web
of delightful
and wondrous
cuddled up sleep.

I enter
the cavern of
dreams that once were
and those to come.
My purple and blue spirit
wrapped up within yours
healing the distant partings
of our past lives
and special homes together.

I yearn
to never be apart
from my blessed loved one
so many miles from our
heavenly abode.
Embraced in the deep REM sleep
of Alabama,
I make love to thee.

So many miles from my
one true home.
So far cast adrift
with the keepers of time
and the space between us
and divine mothers
trusty wind which fills
my sails that fulfill my quests to
sail home to thee.

God bless the one true
woman that loves me
from so afar who
keeps a special place in her heart
for all of our warm memories
of the past, the present and
Our beloved future
and presidency together.

The Future is written in
many places
about the love I carry for
The Queen of the Israelites.
the Real Jews of the bible,
our deep down days of old.
I proclaim my love and life to thee,
my Jewish queen,
my sweet rose of Alabama
I plant this new garden of Eden
for thee.

Our special Iliad together.
Please marry me now
and forever,
in fields of heather
with a million shooting
stars of spiritual fireworks
for the two lovers
entwined in the heavenly creations
of their love making

"Wars May Come and Wars May Go But Art Is Forever."

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